Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Election Stupidity continues

Hey, San Diego still is having fun with their mayoral elections. Law suits are flying and everyone says something is wrong. Even a conspiracy theory has developed.

Here's the facts as I see them:

1. San Diegans cannot read instructions.
2. Fact: The ballot instructions say you must fill in the bubble.
3. San Diegans did not fill in the bubble.
4. Donna Fry (sp?) wants those votes without bubbles filled counted.

Conclusion: San Diegans are not the most intelligent group of people.

This is the last I will say about elections this year. Disregard any previous comments regarding my no comment rule.


Blog ho said...

But the weather is nice.

Bill said...

Hey, you got a point there! :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I live in San Diego (not old enough to vote though), and what the fuck is going through those people's heads?!?!?! When you think of VOTING, you think of filling in a little bubble of checking a little box. So why didn't they do that? Fuckin' idiots!

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