Thursday, September 23, 2004


Hello all ILLEGALS. Why not try to come into the states LEGALLY?

Hello Governator: Well done on the veto to allow ILLEGALs driver licenses.

Hey, did you know that many hosipital emergency rooms are CLOSING down due to ILLEGALS! They are losing money. (Duh.) Now if YOU have a medical emergency, YOU will have to travel further or just plain die. Good luck.

This topic makes me sick. I'm going now.


Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, where, exactly, do you think the entire American population came from? cotton trees?

Anonymous said...

I think you should toss out the early Americans as that is history and does not apply today. Most Americans have arrived via LEGAL immigration. They have gone through the proper process to enter the states. Millions of Hispanics cross into our country ILLEGALLY, as in they cannot wait for due process. If Vicente Fox thinks Mexico is so great, then why does his people want to flee to America?

The bigger issue is open borders = terrorism. We concentrate way too much on airlines. The next attacks will not come from the air. The people conducting the attacks will come into our country via Mexico or Canada.

My ancestors came to this country and entered LEGALLY. They went through the due process. How about your family?


Anonymous said...

Hello LEGALS I have been trying to get my citizenship for the last 15 years legeally and thanks to our great immegration system I might die before I become a citizen I am already 73.

Also as far as hospitals are concerned millions perhaps billions (oops forgot folks outside use are not human ...) do not have access to medical facilitues let alone "driving" a little "further".

You sissy! Find a real excuse! Vote for Bush ! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think ILLEGAL americans are more TRUE to this country and themselves than those who have had the priv to be born here...

yes it is true!

Anonymous said...

That's why I'm voting Libertarian. I think there could be a happy compromise in there. The comment that some illegals are more true to the country is very true. It is like a car. If you buy a kid a car, said kid will not take care of it as his/her own. If you make the kid work/earn the car and pay for it him/her-self, then they will take care of it as it means more. Why do you think wellfare does not work? Give these Legal people an out and they take full advantage of the system. A true Democratic solution, eh? That's what the Dems want. They want to socialize everything and make it easy for these people. Then when it comes time to protect their own country they don't want to, taking the country for granted.
These people have taken the priviledge of living in this country for granted and they want others to do their bidding, thus illegals. There was a line I saw recently: Flipping burgers is not beneath (sp?) you, to our grandparents (and great-grand parents), it was seen as an opportunity.


Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have all the answers Bill, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually reveal itself and hopefully make the world a better place to live in. I've been looking for citizenship and immigration in canada info and news - yeah I know I should probably get a life, but there's just something about citizenship and immigration in canada that gets me thinking of better times.

Your post about this post was a good read compared to a lot of the other stuff that's out there! Keep up the good work, I will definitely swing by again soon.

Anonymous said...

Now you've got me thinking Bill. I really enjoyed your post about "this post , I found your blog while searching for independent immigration to canada news. I'll definitely pop around more often, keep us posted if you happen to dig up any more independent immigration to canada stuff.

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have all the answers Bill, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually make a difference somewhere and hopefully make the world a better place to live in. I've been looking for citizenship and immigration in canada info and news - yeah I know I should probably get a life, but there's just something about citizenship and immigration in canada that gets me thinking of better times.

Your post about this post was a good read compared to a lot of the other stuff that's out there! Keep up the good work, I will definitely swing by again soon.

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have all the answers Bill, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually reveal itself and hopefully make the world a better place to live in. I've been looking for new immigration rule for canada info and news - yeah I know I should probably get a life, but there's just something about new immigration rule for canada that gets me thinking of better times.

Your post about this post was a good read compared to a lot of the other stuff that's out there! Keep up the good work, I will definitely swing by again soon.

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have all the answers Bill, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually make a difference somewhere and hopefully make the world a better place to live in. I've been looking for citizenship and immigration in canada info and news - yeah I know I should probably get a life, but there's just something about citizenship and immigration in canada that gets me thinking of better times.

Your post about this post was a good read compared to a lot of the other stuff that's out there! Keep up the good work, I will definitely swing by again soon.

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have all the answers Bill, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually make a difference somewhere and hopefully make the world a better place to live in. I've been looking for independent immigration to canada info and news - yeah I know I should probably get a life, but there's just something about independent immigration to canada that gets me thinking of better times.

Your post about this post was a good read compared to a lot of the other stuff that's out there! Keep up the good work, I will definitely swing by again soon.

Anonymous said...

Now you've got me thinking Bill. I really enjoyed your post about "this post , I found your blog while searching for investor immigration to canada news. I'll definitely pop around more often, keep us posted if you happen to dig up any more investor immigration to canada stuff.

Anonymous said...

Great blog! You've got a real knack for writing Bill, keep on rockin! I will definitely be checking in here again soon.

Your post about this post sure got my attention - I'll spread the word about it to my friends. Sure you won't mind a few more eyeballs on your work from the four corners of the earth? :-) Thanks for a great read!

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have all the answers Bill, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually make a difference somewhere and hopefully make the world a better place to live in. I've been looking for citizenship and immigration in canada info and news - yeah I know I should probably get a life, but there's just something about citizenship and immigration in canada that gets me thinking of better times.

Your post about this post was a good read compared to a lot of the other stuff that's out there! Keep up the good work, I will definitely swing by again soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill, I'm looking for someone who could give me more info on new immigration rule for canada and I came accross your post about this post. Although it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, it definitely gave me a new perspective. Right now anything that looks like new immigration rule for canada would be of interest to me since I'm thinking of starting a new life in Canada and want to be as informed as possible about my options.

If you know of any other blogs or websites that I could check out to get some more info on new immigration rule for canada, I'd be very grateful. I really enjoyed your blog - thanks for the great read.

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have all the answers Bill, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually make a difference somewhere and hopefully make the world a better place to live in. I've been looking for new immigration rule for canada info and news - yeah I know I should probably get a life, but there's just something about new immigration rule for canada that gets me thinking of better times.

Your post about this post was a good read compared to a lot of the other stuff that's out there! Keep up the good work, I will definitely swing by again soon.