Monday, October 11, 2004

Baseball Tonight

Ooooh, I hope ESPN doesn't sue for that title!

Congrats to Houston for taking out Atlanta in a big way tonight.

The St. Louis is the team to beat, though. They just looked way to good and when they begin to hit, watch out. The series with the Astros will be a good one to watch. Looks like there may be some ratings for the t.v. out there. Yanks and Sox will be a big East coast t.v. ratings win.

Let's now watch and see who ends up in the World (Really not) Series!


Anonymous said...

They will sue.

Anonymous said...

Baseball is semicool. if only it was a contact sport
P.S. i think ESPN will noy sue(they probably don't go to!)

Anonymous said...

Baseball is semicool. if only it was a contact sport
P.S. i think ESPN will noy sue(they probably don't go to!)